Amber’s Blog
Cherry Upside-Down Cake
Cherry Upside-Down Cake Recipe Related post: Dada’s Day Off Adapted from Bon Appetit June 2008 See more recipes here
Dada’s Day Off
It started with blueberries. Which isn’t the worst way to start a morning, but we won’t be adding them to Nora’s list of favorite food anytime soon. Blueberry pancakes, though? Well, that’s another story. What can I say, the girl likes her carbs – enough to warrant one in each hand. But, who can blame…
Housewife Challenge #1
Get the grocery bill under budget. There are two major grocery stores on the island: the Grand Union in town and a Stop & Shop. We go to the Stop & Shop, which off-island would not be my first choice of grocery stores, but it has a larger selection and larger isles (which are important…
More Than Sand
One of my new favorite places to walk is an unexpected park just a few blocks from our house. On the map, it’s called Mill Hill Park and doesn’t look to be all that special – it even has roads running through it. Well, Chris and I decided to check it out anyway to give…
A New Chapter
Yesterday, Chris and I opened a new account at Nantucket Bank and on the form where it said employer I wrote “homemaker.” Holy cow! It’s here! I have officially joined the ranks of the under-paid and over-worked nanny-maid-cook-personal assistant-chauffeur-etc. (says Ann Crittenden), and I couldn’t be more thrilled. Since our final trip across the walkway…
Mother nature must have had a read on Nora this week, because the weather was a perfect match for her: cool and rainy early on, but sunny and warm towards at the end. She cut two top teeth on Monday (and she must take after me, because they’re giant). With the teeth came a general…
On Motherhood
in Motherhood📍 New YorkSince I’ve last posted I’ve been busy packing and organizing, selling and giving away our junk (and some not-junk), and trying to squeeze in last moments with my friends, all while living as a single parent. Let me tell you, I wouldn’t want to do the single parent thing for much longer than I have…
Texas Trip
Last week we went on a much anticipated family trip to Texas for our friend Megan’s wedding. The timing was a little awkward in the middle of moving, but it was nice to see friends and family, and take a break from the hectic life that is packing. We flew out early Wednesday morning from…
In Process
It has begun. The mad dash that is packing and moving and relocating a household is underway for the Hinds Family. Of course, this isn’t something too unfamiliar to Chris and me; just 18 months ago we were excitedly telling people about this new house, and 14 months before that was our cross-country pilgrimage to…
House Hunters Nantucket
Last weekend was house hunting weekend. We drove out to the cape Friday night and stayed in our first P.E.O. Bed & Breakfast, with Kay, a sister from Chapter X. Kay was wonderful: she had a lovely house and she made us a delicious breakfast Saturday morning. (I must say that B&B is a fabulous…
End of Winter
This last weekend was beautiful. It was sunny and in the 80’s Saturday and in the upper 70’s yesterday, which was perfect for playing outside. And introducing Nora to bunny rabbits, just in time for Easter. I, like any good mom, took tons of picture of her with rabbits in honor of the holiday, but…
Mrs. Christopher Hinds
in Motherhood📍 New YorkIn this week’s New York Times Magazine, Lisa Belkin wrote about the metamorphosis of married women’s identities, which lead to a discussion on her blog about what it means to be a good wife. The magazine article is largely about the difference between Belkin’s mother’s identity as a wife and Belkin’s own identity, in contrast,…
in Motherhood📍 New YorkWell, it’s official: I’m 25. I know, I’m such a baby still…I just don’t feel like it. I guess I’ve finally hit that point of no return when I actually feel like a real grown-up – you know, instead of the fake one I was when I was in college. And I think what really…