Post November Gratitude

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Apparently, I needed a little blogging break and didn’t even know it.  I’m not sure that I’ve every gone as long between posts as I did between now and and my previous post – a whole month – and I’m already feeling rusty from the absence of writing.

Even though I did not manage a single blog post about it, we did continue our 30 days of thanks and “thankful tree” making tradition.


Mostly I posted in the Facebook group, which was pretty quiet this year, and also posted a few pictures on Instagram. But, despite not publishing my gratitude, there was still lots of recognition of the many wonderful people and things in our lives.  And for the first time in three years, we did not have a ridiculously stressful November; I can’t be more thankful than I am for that.  There’s still some potential time bombs in our future (we have not been able to sell our house in Gillette, for one) but at least nothing exploded last month.


Instead, we had a perfectly simple month with fall exploration,

new animal friends,


a police station tour,


and a little preview of winter that I was not ready for.

Is it possible to get kids not to eat snow? 🙂

I will admit that I watched that first snowfall from the warmth of our living room.  I do love the beauty of snow, but for some reason this year I’m less excited about having to step out into cold.  Surely, this must be a sign of my impending birthday bringing me one year close to needing to retire in Florida.

The big thing that kept me away from blogging?


Being camped out at my dining room table nights and wherever I could squeeze out a spare moment during the day, building a new website for myself in between lots and lots of work for clients.  I’m still loving what I’m doing, but I’m having a hard time balancing work with the demands (and desires) of life.  There was so much blogging I wanted to do last month, but in the end it seemed to always lose out to something else.

Thus, I find myself nearly half way through December, with nary a blog post on thankfulness in sight, but still plenty of gratitude for a month of simple joys, no life explosions, and a problem – too much business – that can’t be complained about.  Today, life is good.

About the Author


One response

  1. Have a wonderful Christmas season and a warm, cozy home with your family!! You are very talented to be able to do your business from home, and many customers! Not many can do that… Cheers!!

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