Today, I am thankful for my mom. She was the very best mom she could be through some really tough situations, and she never gave up on me. We definitely had some rocky moments when I was a teenager (boy, do I have karma coming to me the second the girls turn 12…), but we made it through and I am so thankful for the relationship that I have with her now. She is always there when I want to talk and I know I can always count on her for good advice when confronted with a tough situation. Today, she took time out of her workday to listen and advise, and even though my problem wasn’t instantly fixed, it meant so much just to be able to talk to her about it.
She is a doting grandmother who loves my daughters with all her heart and who does more than her fair share of spoiling:

I won’t lie, I’m pretty thankful for that too. Thanks to my mom and hand-me-downs from Nora’s friends we have only had to buy a couple of things for Nora (and Zara) to wear. My mom sends the cutest stuff, and we are so grateful that the clothes she sends allows us to spend our money in other ways. When we lived on Nantucket and we were budgeted down to the very last penny, the clothes she and my step-dad sent made a huge difference. Even now with more disposable income but still plenty of student loan payments we are very appreciative. So thanks, Mom!
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