30 Days of Thanks: The Return of Dear Friends


Remember sweet Mr. T who broke our heart when he moved to Brazil with his mama and papa?  Well… he’s back!

Today, Nora and I were incredibly thankful to get to see some of our dearest friends, not though a computer screen but real, live, and in-person, because they have moved back to Nantucket!!!  Nora and Mr. T (who is now bigger than Nora, talking up a storm, and writing “T”s on the chalkboard — I feel like such a proud aunt) got right back to playing together as if they hadn’t ever been apart.


 It was so sweet and wonderful to watch her instantly reconnect with him and I’m thrilled to get to see Nora and Mr. T grow up together (because I’m never letting them leave again, you know).  Prom plans are already in the works!  🙂

Perhaps even more than being thankful for Mr. T’s return, I am thankful to have his mama, my friend Logan, back.  Just through me babysitting Mr. T, during drop-offs, pick-up and lunch hours, I saw Logan nearly every day of the week — then, on weekends we usually got together of a walk or afternoon play date.  When she left, there was a big hole and I can’t wait for us, too, to pick up right back up where we left off…except this time, she is ahead of me:


Yes, Mr. T now has an incredibly adorable little brother (another Mr. T), so when Peach is born Logan will be an invaluable resource as I navigate parenting two.  


And, in the meantime, Nora is going to get lots of practice at being a big sister. I couldn’t be happier today!

30 Days of Thanks

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