I need to manage my time better. I just spent 20 minutes deciding on/editing/uploading on a new cover photo for my Facebook timeline. The dishes are done, the bathroom is clean, and the floors were swept yesterday, but mopping just isn’t going to happen. Again. I need to finish a proposal for a web design client. And the list just goes on and on…

Right now is a good time to remember my most recent housewife challenge: prioritize and be realistic in expectations for myself. I’m not doing too bad. I’ve been editing videos. I’m officially, really truly, making yoga happen every Sunday morning…for two Sundays in a row. Next week will be three, I promise; and even if two hours with Caitlin Marcoux is killing me just a little bit, I’m loving it. I’m mostly on top of house work. Mostly…except for the disaster that is my desk (which has had zero space for my laptop for over a week) and the whole mopping thing. And I have to keep reminding myself that on top of all my normal stuff, I have also been doing more “work” (as if the rest of it isn’t work, but you know what I mean) than usual. I am trying my darnedest to get winter classes going for Papoose, which has meant a lot of marketing.I’ve been designing ads for the paper and web, as well as fliers and doing as much viral marketing as I can. I have been blogging there, though so far not consistently Monday-Friday like I hope to do.
I put out a call for contributions today, so I hope that will help me with posts when I’m shorter on time. I like making the more factual posts available for parents, but it does take time to research, read, and write them, something I can’t always do. Over the next couple weeks, I’m going to be running guest posts, which will not only help me out time wise, but will also be vital to furthering my goal of providing a broad spectrum of voices and opinions. The first guest post is a great birth story from Anastasia, a reader of this blog, who was kind enough to be the first person to send me something. Thanks, Anastasia! I’ll be posting her story on Wednesday, so watch for it!

Did you notice my shameless plug in the newspaper? I had to sneak something in there about looking for a partner/investors. I’m still a ways away from being able to open the store/get my own dedicated classroom space, so I thought it couldn’t hurt to mention it in the paper. On that note, look what care in the mail this week:He didn’t have any words of advice for me, but Vice President Biden did say that he sent my letter on to the SBA, so maybe someone there will have enough pull to get me a loan. And he was kind enough to have a copy made of the picture I gave him and autograph it for Nora’s baby book.
In addition to everything with Papoose, I’m pretty busy with websites right now. I have a couple in progress and am completing a proposal for a big two website project. If you missed my link on Facebook, I recently finished a site for my friend Margarete. And of course there’s the work that goes into bloging here, and I’ve been thinking (already) that this blog could maybe use a facelift and more colors than white all over. (Thoughts?)
So with everything going on, I guess I should be proud of myself for doing as much as I am doing. It’s just a matter of reminding me to not be so hard on myself. Sometimes, harder said than done…which is why it’s a housewife challenge in the first place!
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