So this week’s You Capture challenge was to photograph cold. Normally, in January, that would not be a problem — however we have had an oddly mild winter. It gets cold for a day or two, then goes right back to the 50’s and 60’s. It feels like spring. So springy, in fact, that someone put artificial daffodils on Orange Street as a joke.I thought they were real for a moment, so I had to stop and take a picture.

But really, when it come to cold, I thought I was going to have to photograph my freezer. And then this morning, we got the tiniest glimpse of winter.A short, blink and it’s over, snow shower. For about 10 minutes, they were coming down fast and we thought, just maybe, this might turn into something. Outside we ran for a quick picture and attempts to catch snowflakes on our tongue. Nora was fascinated and excited; she wanted to know if there would be enough to make a snowman. But, in true Nantucket fashion, each flake melted away as they reached the ground. What I would give for a New York snowstorm right now.
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