I love being able to type the words “another good week.” Because it was another good week, and I feel so content looking back on it.
I got some yoga in – even if it was 15 minutes here and there with a toddler climbing all over and under me.
I dug Nora’s toddler car seat out of the attic (and did a bunch of reorganizing in the process) …and realized that it is indeed a convertible, which means we can switch her into it and she can stay rear facing. And I started a new sewing project: making her a car seat cover. My goal is to finish it this week so she can start using the new seat. We’ll see how that goes.
And I stayed on top of the dishes, which was somewhat of a miracle considering how much I rocked at housewife challenge number 6. This week, Nora (and I!) tried and loved all kinds of new recipies.
The winner was Rice & Chickpea Kale Rolls with Pineapple Salsa, the grown up version:and the
baby (I have to scratch that out every time) toddler version:(Pureed kale because she can’t eat it in whole leafy form yet). Which she devoured.
It was so good, she needed a utensil for each hand.
This week really was all about the food. But cooking was alright with me, because I have the cutest little helper. In the cutest little apron (thanks, Mom & Dad!).
What else did we eat this week?Toasted Millet with Sweet Potatoes and Spinach,
Thai Red Curry (with Peas…if you put peas in it, she will eat it),
Coffeecake Muffins,
Kale Lasgna,
(which was another toddler-pleasing dish),
a relatively decent (if slightly garlicky) first attempt at hummus (usually Chris makes it)…
and Dada’s disappearing
And then, because I was feeling fancy, I decided to try my hand at sourdough starter.If all goes well, this will bubble and brew all week and we’ll have fabulous bread next weekend.
It was a super delicious week. And it was all relatively easy! I’m not going to explode your reader with recipes tonight, but will be posting them throughout the week. (The kale roles recipe is up tonight and can be found here.)
For our omnivorous (borderline carnivorous) family and friends, I’ll leave you with one more new food Nora (not I!!) tried — so you know that “poor Nora” isn’t being completely brainwashed to my vegetarian ways…Dada introduced her to fried chicken (probably not free-range or hormone- and antibiotic-free, ugh)
and, to my dismay, she liked it.
…But that’s okay, I’ve already gone and ordered her a copy of That’s Why We Don’t Eat Animals. Just kidding…sort of.
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