
  • WordCamp US 2022

    WordCamp US 2022


    Heading to San Diego for WordCamp US. Speaking at WCUS has been on my bucket list and this year I get to check it off! I’ll be leading a two hour workshop on website accessibility testing with my friend Alex. This is the first in-person WordPress event I’ve been to in years and I am…

  • This Month’s Calendar

    This Month’s Calendar


    Whiteboard by the back door is all setup for the month. Kids activites start tomorrow and this year all four are doing something. It looks like we get one Monday a month with nothing going on, and Tuesday all four have activities from 4-8 pm.  

  • First Day of School 2022

    First Day of School 2022


    First day of school. 8th grade, 4th grade, kindergarten, and pre-k 3.  

  • Our First “Exit”: Selling WP Conference Schedule

    Our First “Exit”: Selling WP Conference Schedule


    The business decision behind why we decided to sell WP Conference Schedule rather than releasing the premium plugin ourself.

  • Zara as Raja

    Zara as Raja


    Z was Raja in an Aladdin production through her dance studio @pasgeorgetown this evening and she did such a great job. I loved watching her. She took a year off dance and is getting back into it and you’d barely know she took any time off, plus she had a big smile on her face…

  • Celebrating 15 years

    Celebrating 15 years


    Thoughts on our 15th anniversary and trip to Galveston without kids.

  • 15 Year Anniversary

    15 Year Anniversary


    Today Chris and I have been married for 15 years. We’re celebrating with our first weekend away from children while my mom watches all four girls. We rented an old Victorian from the 1800s near the coast in Galveston, Texas and spent the day at a spa, eating delicious food, walking the beach under the…

  • At a Dance Competition

    At a Dance Competition


    Multitasking between performances at this weekend’s dance competition. Image Alt: open laptop showing the Equalize Digital Accessibility Checker website in the foreground and an empty stage in a crowded auditorium.  

  • Bundled Up

    Bundled Up


    We had a cold snap and yesterday we had to get all bundled up for Zara’s soccer game. It was 30 degrees and, despite these pictures, Vivi’s patience for being out there did not last long. Tomorrow it’s supposed to be 80 degrees and we’re really looking forward to warmth again. By the way, my…

  • Sprinkler Weather in February

    Sprinkler Weather in February


    Yesterday we got our first taste of summer. It was warm enough that we got out the sprinkler in the afternoon. I worked most of the day but had a nice break for a couple hours in the afternoon during which I sat outside listening to music and watching the 4 of them dance in…

  • Cuddle Bugs

    Cuddle Bugs


    The best thing about having a king sized bed is having space for cuddle bugs.  

  • Selling Girl Scout Cookies

    Selling Girl Scout Cookies


    Walking around the neighborhood with Z and I’m reliving my first experience with entrepreneurship: @girlscouts cookie sales. My mom was our troop leader (all the way through Juniors) and I remember our garage piled high with boxes and boxes of cookies. It’s fun watching Z try her hand at sales. She is fearless and no…