Baby Armadillos Spotted on Evening Walk
Baby armadillos on tonight’s walk. There were about 5-6 wandering through the bushes and snuffling through the leaves along the river. Sort of cute in a weird animal sort of way… #onlyintexas #armadillo #armadillos #armadillosofinstagram #babyarmadillo #babyarmadillos #eveningwalk #sangabrielriver #georgetowntx
Time passing and growing up.
10, 7, 3, and 6 months. How time flies. I can’t believe that we’re going to have a 6th grader next year! #sistersquad
Walking through an orchard in Texas.
Taking a walk @centraltexasoliveranch with my littles. It’s hot during the day but manageable still, and the last few nights have been pleasant. Trying to make the most of outside time before Texas becomes too unbearable. Also, there’s something magical about walking down a seemingly unending orchard row. As if the everything in the world…
Actions for Racial Justice Beyond Hashtags
2 of 2 In the name of inspiring true action outside of social media, I’m going to briefly list the things we have done or regularly do to help move our society toward racial justice. I’m not posting this because I think we’re special or even doing a quarter of what we should, but because…
Taking Action Beyond Social Media Outrage
Below is a post that I shared on my Facebook page earlier in the week and wanted to share here as well. 1 of 2 because of comment length limits. — I haven’t said much mostly because I’m not sure what to say and because, more than once in the past couple of days, I…
Happy working from home during summer.
Summer office makes me happy. #remotework #quarantinelife #quarantine #momboss
Vivienne’s 6-Month Milestone: No Neck!
6 months and we’ve officially lost her neck. I swear, Vivienne has the best smile. She smiles at me once and my hormones go crazy. She’s such a sweet little baby.
Planting a Tree with Baby’s Placenta
When you have a #homebirthbaby you get to decide what to do with the placenta. I’m totally grossed out by the encapsulation/consumption movement, so we double bagged Addie’s and stuck it in our freezer in Colorado. It was still there when we moved to Texas 6 months later, so Chris put it in a cooler…
Strawberry Cake with Drips for Three-Year-Old’s Birthday
Our three year old โฅ๏ธ she requested a strawberry cake “with drips” (because she loves watching cake videos on Instagram and gets excited when they do frosting drips). It was a new challenge for me and I stayed up crazy late Friday night to make it, but I think that is one of the best…
Mother’s Day Camping Trip at Ranch
This weekend was Addie’s birthday and since we couldn’t have a party, we decided to go on a spontaneous “camping” trip out at Chris’ dad’s ranch. That meant I woke up this morning snuggled in a tent between all four of my girls. I spent much of the day enjoying the sun and reading while…
Addie models tutu and football combo
Addie modeling her fabulous walk attire, which, obviously, must be accessorized with a football. Becaus who wouldn’t want to walk around the neighborhood in a tutu playing catch!? I think the rest of us are really missing out because we have all kinds of hangups about what clothing is appropriate for what activites. Probably I’d…