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In the name of inspiring true action outside of social media, I’m going to briefly list the things we have done or regularly do to help move our society toward racial justice. I’m not posting this because I think we’re special or even doing a quarter of what we should, but because I would really like to help others to think critically about what they can do beyond hashtag activism. I hope you find this list helpful and inspirational. – donated multiple hundreds of dollars to Black Lives Matter – bought a sign for our yard
– talked to our older children about police brutality and power abuse – posted about it on our business – reached out to clients for whom we manage social and suggested their businesses post in support of BLM
– reviewed our hiring practices at the business for bias
– established that next year our free website contest is going have the requirement of being minority-led or benefiting people of color – found a movie geared towards kids that explores issues of racism for them to watch and discuss.
– purchased another dark-skinned doll to better increase the representation of nonwhite dolls in our house for our toddler to play with.
-checked in with an African American neighbor in our 95% white neighborhood – Called to make sure our police have to wear body cameras.
– made plans for Chris to start attending city council meetings.
I should add that we attend a Unitarian Universalist church and social justice is not a new conversation with our children or in our house. We and they are frequently having conversations about equality and rights and how all humans have inherent worth and dignity. We already had an African American American girl doll, just nothing toddler approved. We already have tons of books for kids and adults alike that address issues related to slavery and civil rights. The last two times we have posted a job, we have intentionally posted it on job boards for people of color in attempts to improve our diversity at work. None of this is new.
This is a short list of what we have been doing. Please leave me a comment and let me know what you have been doing off social media. #blacklivesmatter