• Mini Coloring Pack

    Mini Coloring Pack

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    Because we’re on a tight budget, we don’t have a lot of extra money for birthday gifts for all of Nora’s little friends.  When we got invited to Miss. B’s birthday party, I was wracking my brain deciding what to do until I decided to spend a couple minutes rifling through my fabric stash.  I…

  • Catching Flies With Vinegar

    Catching Flies With Vinegar

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    Whoever said, “It’s easier to catch flies with honey than vinegar,” must have never heard of apple cider vinegar.Inevitably, this time of year, fruit flies take over my kitchen.  My normally bug free home becomes a casualty of canning and bringing extraordinary amounts of farm fresh produce onto my kitchen counters and dining room table.  I’ll pretend…

  • Under the Sea

    Under the Sea


    We are jumping for joy (as in actually leaving the ground, both feet at the same time, and landing without falling over!) with excitement over Nora’s new “big girl” bedroom.  As a reminder, this is what Nora’s room looked like when we first moved here(until last fall when we also crammed an armoire in there).  It was…

  • Nora’s Vintage-Inspired, Upcycled Play Kitchen


    About 10 seconds after I knew I had a little girl, I knew she was eventually going to have a play kitchen.  It’s one of those things on the list of “things I didn’t have but always wanted” (a really cool play house is, too).  This past winter when I saw how much all of…