Nora Goes to Public School


Bus stop selfie with Nora. This week she moved from her tiny charter school with only 18 eighth graders to the public middle school with over 200. And now she rides the bus.

The charter school wasn’t challenging her enough, has a huge percentage of students who are disruptive in the classroom, and has been having trouble keeping teachers. Last year she loved it. But this year it was one thing after another, so right before Thanksgiving she and I went to go tour our neighborhood middle school, and she immediately wanted to make the switch.

We’ve never had a kid in public school and I was nervous about how the transition would go from such a small school to a big one, but so far she’s loving it and is glad she decided to move schools. It helps that she knows kids there already from her dance team. Hopefully she’ll still be happy when she starts getting homework. Coming from a no homework school that may be a shock to us all.


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