Moving to Texas for Family Support


We moved to Texas two years ago after Addie was born and we were officially out numbered by kids. It was literally an impulse decision that we acted on within 2 weeks. There are so many reasons why I thought we would never live in Texas (heat and the absence of seasons topping that list) and I was adamantly against it for the first 10 years of our marriage, but being near family has melted all of those arguments away.
Until we moved to Austin we had never lived near family. Now we’re able to see Chris’ mom and dad and a whole bunch aunts, uncles, and cousins on a regular basis. It’s such a gift for the girls, and equally wonderful for me and Chris, especially with all the extra hands to help since Vivi was born. Not just with baby holding, but cooking, dish washing, and laundry too. Right now I’m feeling incredibly grateful and like Texas was meant to be.


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