Traveling for Work: Onsite with Client


Today is a travel day for me of a very different sort – via air instead of RV! We’re working on a large project for a client based in Amarillo, Texas and I’m headed up to spend the day onsite with them tomorrow. While we work with clients that are all across the country and even abroad, we don’t typically get face time with them outside of video calls. Or if we do, it’s fit into our summer roadtrips. In this instance the project was big and complex enough to warrant some in-person discovery and strategy sessions, so off I went this morning on my first #businesstrip in years. It feels a little bit like an adventure and a little bit scary to be flying away from Chris and the girls. Luckily it’s just one night and then I will be back to our normal home routine…and tonight I’ll admit I might be looking forward to sleeping all night with no 2-year-old interruptions.


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