Seattle Trip: Space Needle and More

*Finally* Seattle part two because I am in the land of cell phone signal and wifi again, at least for tonight. And, boy, do I have a story for you about how we got here…because we’re in a city we never planned to go to… But more on that later. For now, here’s our rainy and chilly (how I miss chilly, right now), trip to the #spaceneedle in #Seattle. Addie has an eye for playgrounds and will spot them before the rest of us do, then demand we go visit, so of course, we had to play at the foot of the Space Needle before we went up. I’m glad she had fun at the playground, because she was totally freaked out by the height and glass floor. We managed to get her to relax a bit in Chris’ lap at the edge of the glass, but she still didn’t like it and there were lots of tears, so we didn’t stay up there very long. After The Space Needle was when we rode the monorail and walked to Pike Place Market and that helped her calm down a lot.  She really enjoyed riding right in front with her sisters and the driver even let them take turns honking the horn. I think we went too late in the day from a toddler perspective because Chris and I were working in the morning and trying to get things done before going into the city. It ended up being an OK day, but there were definitely some really rough moments for littlest girl.  Squeezing in tourism around our work schedule can sometimes be hard and the biggest take away I had from Seattle was that we need to treat naps as more sacred, even if it means working more at night rather than in the mornings on a day we want to go somewhere. ….. #spaceneedleseattle #spaceneedleview #seattlewa #seattlewashington #seattlephotography #seattlelove #rvlife #rvfamily #rvtravel #rvadventures #summertravel #digitalnomad #roadtrip #ontheroad #rainyday #seattleweather #summertrip #summer2019 #summervacation #travelwithkids #rvkids #rvlifewithkids #rvlivingwithkids #workcation #toddlers #parenting #parentingtoddlers

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