Driving Through Forested Valley in Washington


We’re in the bay area of California, after some time in Redwood National & State Parks with essentially no internet. I’m going to see how far campground wifi will take me and play catch up on IG this week since I’ve fallen woefully behind. Let’s start things off with a video of me (yes, I said me) driving through a forested valley west of Spokane and north of Reardan, Washington.

Don’t be too impressed – I actually drive with the trailer very rarely. Chris does 99% of our driving and I typically (wo)man the passenger seat armed with my laptop, various cameras for documenting the road trip, and a giant bag of snacks for the kids. As much as cell signal allows, we try to make drive days work days for me and while I *can* drive the trailer, I am most definitely not as adept at backing up or squeezing through tiny, crowded gas stations as is Chris. I pretty much only drive if we’re droning (because the drone is his toy) or in the rare instance that Chris is really, really tired.

Also, fun fact, when droning a moving vehicle, the driver has to go like 15mph, so we have to be really particular about where we can do it safely without risking making other drivers mad or potentially causing an accident. We filmed this at 5:45 in the morning just to ensure an empty road.

I’d love to do more droning on drive days, but with the road limitations, kids who can only sit so long, and already pretty long drive days, it’s definitely a challenge. You usually have to scout a road ahead of time and plan. It is worth the extra work when we get a cool video, though.


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