We’re exhausted. Well, at least the grownups in this family are…I don’t think Nora has any concept of exhaustion that goes from day-to-day.
No, she is a well of youthful energy, which sounds ridiculous for me to say given that I’m not that old. I don’t think.
Or maybe I am.
I’m certainly old enough to be worn out by 23.5/7 toddler-duty + work, while Chris is busy working his behind off at The Brotherhood 12, 13, and 14 hour days, which he’s been doing since Daffy. Saturday, I pretty much wanted to play Disney movies and hibernate all day after our little girl decided she was ready to start the morning at 4:30 am. I managed a little bit of a nap on the couch and then was finally starting to be able to function (and think about washing all the dishes I had left from the day before) when there was a knock at the door and — surprise! — people started showing up for the World Breastfeeding Week meeting I was hosting (and had completely forgotten about). Not my best moment. I got through it and, luckily, everyone that came were friends and completely understanding of messes. I rallied in the afternoon and took Nora to see some of her little friends in a dance recital, but that was about all I could manage for the day.
I expected Sunday to be more of the same, especially when Chris finally got home at midnight Saturday night and announced that he would be headed back to work shortly after 9 the next morning. He’s been shorthanded, working as the chef and also a prep and line cook the last few weeks while his Jamaican staff’s visas were delayed and delayed and delayed. Of course, no one eating at The Brotherhood would know it but we know it at home. So after a miserable Saturday, I went to bed not looking forward to another Sunday without family time or yoga.
Thank goodness for Karma or whatever it is in the universe that makes up for itself, and thank goodness for friends. I woke up Sunday morning to a message from a friend offering to watch Nora so I could go to yoga. Nora had a great time at her surprise play date, and then the afternoon was equally filled with sunshine and happiness.

We met another friend at the beach and then popped by to visit Chris afterwards, where we learned that (hooray!) the kitchen staff had arrived and (hooray times two!) Chris’ boss was making him take the day off today and had okay-ed three days off next week. I couldn’t be any happier and it was nice to remember that, even when all seems grim, good things do follow. The rest of this week will be just as hectic while Chris gets everyone up to speed, but next week will be a fresh start just in time for summer.
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