Nora sleeping on table

A Heartbreaking First


I knew it was coming inevitably, but part of me, in denial, hoped that maybe we could avoid it…forever.

Today, Chris and I realized that Nora is experiencing a first — not an exciting, shout from the rooftop first, but one of those firsts you hope to avoid as long as possible.

Today is officially the first time in 27 months, Nora has ever really, truly been sick.  Sure, she’s had sniffles and runny noses, but nothing like this.  It’s the first time she’s ever felt so unwell that she didn’t even want to play.  It’s the first time she has ever been given medicine of any kind (although just Zarbee’s honey and herb based cough syrup, so maybe it doesn’t count?).

We know sickness is a part of life.  We know she will come through just fine.  We know, of course, that we are lucky in comparison to many people whose children have serious medical conditions.  But it’s a little heartbreaking all the same.That cold I had, which gave me a major case of laryngitis and a slight cough, found its way (despite my best efforts) into Nora and it knocked her off her feet.  Yesterday was the sensitive, runny-nose stage, today she could barely stay awake waiting for breakfast.

She didn’t want to get dressed, so she wore hippo pajamas all day.  Mostly, she sat or laid with her eyes just barely open.  Occasionally, she said, “I don’t feel well.”  And of course there were plenty of tissues and plenty of coughs.

We felt so sad and sorry for her, but we did our best to make things better.  We cuddled.

We read.

We made soup and bought strawberry ice cream.  We took two giant steps backward in weaning.(All for a good cause, my poor sweet baby.)

Now we’re just hoping today was the worst and tomorrow we’ll have our smiley, playful girl back.

About the Author


3 responses

  1. I hope that she is feeling much better soon. Sleep and rest are the best medicine.

  2. Lucky for her to be getting those AMAZING breastmilk antibodies!!! She’ll be back on her feet in no time!

  3. Jessica Avatar

    Feel better soon Nora! The mommy milk will cut the length of the cold in half.

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