30 Days of Thanks: You


Someone needs to tell the weather that it’s almost December.

I’m almost to the end of my thankfulness project, and I would be remiss if I didn’t thank all of you, my lovely readers.  When I first started this blog as a way of trying to make myself feel better about leaving Nora for 8+ hours per day, I had no idea how soon afterwards my life would change.  In the year-and-a-half since then, I’ve written about fun and struggles, I’ve bared my soul, shared hopes and dreams, posted hundreds of pictures, and found lots and lots about which to be joyful.  Along the way, you have left 680 comments, with kind thoughts, words of encouragement, well-thought out advice and discussion, and plenty of shared happiness for Chris, Nora, and me.  And, in addition to the comments here on my blog, I’ve also received countless comments on Facebook and via email.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and for caring about our little life in Nantucket.  If you’re someone who leaves comments here on the blog, I thank you doubly.  I am so grateful to know that my writing isn’t just lost in space.  Though I would likely write for years without any comments, I couldn’t be more thankful for those of you who let me know I’m not just talking to myself!

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4 responses

  1. Marika Ujvari Avatar
    Marika Ujvari

    Well, we thank you for YOU!!! I enjoyed and looked forward every day to your stories and wonderful pictures. You can’t deny your talent for words. Keep it up and we’ll happily read it!!!
    And be thankful for your beautiful weather. Here, in Colorado, we have been shivering for a while. Tomorrow night it’s suppose to be a frigid four (4!) degrees.

    Hugs and smiles!!!

  2. I read regularly even if I don’t always leave comments. I, too, thank you and have loved this year’s posts. I think your blog is only getting better.

    1. Thanks, Anne for commenting now and for the compliment on my writing! It means a lot coming from you.

  3. Amber, it has taken me some time to figure out how to really access this, but you understand because of who I am, and certainly age plays a role. now that I have explained (I hope) why it has taken be awhile I will say to you how VERY proud I am of you and what you have become. This writing is so good and so heart felt, it brings tears to my eyes. Your design and pictures are beautiful. How luck Nora and Chris are to have you and how blessed I am to have you as my first grand child. Keep up the good work. Love you Mim

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