I’m going to be brief because I’m not sure how many people are around reading on days like this, and the last Harry Potter movie is calling me, anyway.
Today, was the first Thanksgiving we had on our own — no family or “adopted family” to share the meal with, and you know what? It was kind of nice. The day moved at a perfectly relaxing pace, starting off with amazing pumpkin walnut muffins, and ending with a true feast. We weren’t on anyone’s time table but our own, there was no negotiating conversation with distant relatives, and Chris even cooked in his PJs!
We have things down to a science now. I get first go in the kitchen as the baker,
then Chris (with his always amazing ability to get things done) takes over and cooks an entree and four sides in an unbelievably short amount of time.The person not covered in flour or stirring eight things at once is on dish washing and toddler duty.
Although Nora was wonderful all day and barely needed minding, mostly playing on her own
and a very happy camper even without a nap.
The final results were delicious and every member of the family ate to their heart’s content.Even Pip, who was more than willing to eat Nora’s leftovers.
Today, I’m thankful for my little family. I’m thankful for relaxing and joy-filled holidays done right. And, once again, I am thankful I married a chef!
How did you spend your Thanksgiving?
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