Yes, I’m still here. No, Nantucket did not get buried in the October snowstorm that hit the east coast last weekend. I’ve just been busy…and lazy about blogging. But I promise I won’t miss a day at all this month. It’s a new month and I’m starting a new blog project: 30 Days of Thanks. I got the idea from one of my friends who is doing it on her Facebook page. Basically, I’ll be posting at least one thing that I’m thankful for every day this month, which means no more blogger laziness! Not only is this going to be a fun little project, but it’ll also be a good way to remind myself of what this blog was originally supposed to be about: finding joy in the not-quite-there.
So this, my first post, has to be about Halloween. I love it and how much fun it is. Today, I’m thankful for pumpkins to carve,
the fun of goopy, messy fingers,and watching a little girl explore something new
with the most adorable “serious face” ever.
I’m thankful for an excuse to walk around in a silly costume
and thankful for how easy and cheap it was to make a homemade Sesame Street martian [PNG] outfit, which she loved and that can be easily resewn into something else.
I’m especially thankful that the nightmares and fears of said martians “getting you” are behind us. That was not a fun couple of weeks.
I’m thankful that, though Chris does not have many days off, we’re always welcome to visit him at work.And I’m incredibly thankful for how much everyone at the restaurant adores Nora. They all love her, and it couldn’t be a better environment for visiting Dada.
I’m thankful for Petticoat Row Bakery giving away real treats on Halloween instead of uber-processed, corn syrup filled candy.And I’m thankful that Nora was not really into trick-or-treating yet (we brought home not one piece), so we can put off deciding how to handle candy for another year or two.
I’m thankful for the wonderful day we had yesterday, the amazing community we live in, and being able to watch Nora really experience Halloween for the first time.
And, of course, I’m thankful for whoever thought up jack-o-lanterns.
They’re pretty cool.
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