One of my favorites thing about being an adult are the new relationships I’m discovering with my family. People that I once knew only from a child’s perspective or as a face in the group are now great discoveries as individuals and friends. This past weekend, my great-uncle and great-aunt came to visit us from Louisiana. Chuck was my maternal grandfather’s brother. Growing up, I saw him and his wife, Sally, at Thanksgivings and Christmases here and there, always among aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins. They came to visit me once at college when I had just moved into my freshman dorm. Beyond that we spoke just occasionally, until the last two or three years during which we have really connected. We email back and forth, they can catch up on my blog, and we chat every now and then on Skype. I was thrilled when they suggested coming up, and we were all looking forward to the visit. Of course, we walked and drove them to all the regular spots.
But we also spent a good deal of time just playing.
Playing ball.Playing with the dog.
And, of course, doing lots and lots of reading.
I love watching Nora enjoy my family’s company. It does make me a little nostalgic for family living close by, though.
I also very much enjoyed the time spent talking and getting to know one another. I love discovering that I really have a lot in common with my family members, and love the new interactions that we can have now that I’m an adult. I always knew that I admired Chuck and Sally, but it was nice to be reminded of it. When we waved goodbye to the ferry this morning, we were sad to see them go. I was still sad tonight at dinner whenI didn’t have anyone to discuss things with. I can’t wait until we get to see them again at Christmas!
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