I just had to pop in and share this, even though it’s not Tuesday anymore. But we’ll pretend (there’s still a Wordless Wednesday post coming later today), because it makes me laugh every time I scroll past it in Picasa.Nora is turning into such a ham, which is surprising because, though she was a very happy and easy going baby, she was also pretty serious. We would never have been able to make a good “baby laughing” YouTube video of her. For a while, I was having a hard time taking pictures that weren’t blurry; she was always on the move. Now she finally understands posing, but sometimes I have a hard time getting a good smile. This picture was one of the many takes that it took to get the picture I posted on Sunday. It makes me laugh, because it reminds me of this thing she used to do between 7 months and a year when she was excited.
Not always when she was eating, but often that would get her going. I used to laugh and laugh and laugh…which, of course, only encouraged her to do it more. And now we’re starting to see the silly scrunched up face again. It’s a great happy reminder of how much fun she was as a baby, and I couldn’t help but share.
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