The News Is…


No news.


Boy, yesterday was the day for phone calls. I suppose everyone is getting a little bit anxious to hear about grandbaby, because we got a call from just about every one of our parents this weekend. And today even the Dean of the School of Management asked me what my doctor has to say. (Which is pretty funny if you’ve ever met Elmore).

Sorry, there’s no sign that little Carter/Nora is about to appear.

On the other hand, though, there’s tons of other things going on – like Chris graduating on Friday! If you have a free moment, send him an email or leave a comment of congratulations, because he worked hard and is finally done with school! These last two weeks, as a matter of fact, he was leaving the house at 7 am for class and then going straight from class to work and not getting home until 9 or 10 at night. And now, six years and two degrees later, he might maybe have some interesting full-time prospects – but I’ll give details later so I don’t jinx it.

We finally have everything that we need for baby to arrive, and spent this weekend cleaning up the house so it won’t be a disaster when my mom comes. It’s called “making the fake house” – the only problem with this is that we have to maintain the fake house for an unknown period of time since we don’t really know when she’s going to arrive, since that’s up to baby. Probably, this will be good for us, but it’s going to be so hard – especially when I feel like being a slacker and it’s 90 degrees outside.

Over the past week, I put my powers of frugality to use and managed to find a pack n play through Craigslist and cloth diapers through HV Parents. We got an awesome – looks brand new – pack n play with a basinette and changing table for $55, and 30 snugglebottoms fitted diapers with 8 diaper covers for $40. Quicken and our bank account were thrilled by these deals, considering we could have spent well over $500 buying these new… The miser in me is happy, too! Next week I’m going to go check out some BumGenius diapers which will fit baby until the end of diapering. Stay tuned…

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