
  • Intro to Gymnastics

    Intro to Gymnastics


    Addie and Vivi have been asking to be able to go to gymnastics since they saw one of the local gymnastics schools perform at Poppy Festival last spring and then fell in love with the sport while watching the summer Olympics. Rather than get them things for Christmas, Chris and I decided to sign them…

  • A Visit with Santa

    A Visit with Santa


    Addie and Vivi wanted to go visit Santa, so we headed down to breakfast with Santa at our neighborhood community center today. They each gave him letters and Vivi had tons of questions for him about how he gets around the world and whether she can get her own living reindeer for Christmas.

  • Pocket Dog

    Pocket Dog


    We’re feeling very thankful for Pocket the last week after she had a medical emergency and had to spend two days at the animal hospital. She was diagnosed with Immune-Mediated Hemolytic Anemia, or IMHA, is an autoimmune disease in which the body attacks its own red blood cells. Currently she’s taking a bunch of different pills…

  • Early Spring River Walk

    Early Spring River Walk


    It’s been unusually hot for February so today we went wading in the river!

  • Girl Scout Cookies

    Girl Scout Cookies


    It’s that time again… Girl Scout cookies! And this year we have two selling. Help them meet their cookies sales goals by ordering online. If you live nearby, choose girl delivery and help get cookie boxes out of our garage… Otherwise we’re going to be giving them Girl Scout Cookies for birthday and Christmas presents…

  • Maternity Leave for Small Business Owners

    Maternity Leave for Small Business Owners

    in ,

    On May 9th, I gave birth to our third daughter, Adelaide, while running on just an hour of sleep, following a 10 hour work day into the wee hours of the morning.  Adelaide was born at noon; I rested, ate food, worked to get our breastfeeding relationship started, and spent an hour responding to client…

  • Adelaide’s Birth Story

    Adelaide’s Birth Story


    Adelaide is 6 weeks old today.  I started writing this blog post two weeks ago, but today it’s getting posted, no matter what. After both Nora’s birth and Zara’s birth, I had their stories written within a week, but this time around it’s felt like I’ve barely had any time to process anything.  Between work,…