Cupcake Celebration
Breakfast this morning: a celebratory cupcake in honor of the newly launched @campaignsandelections website. This site was a major project for us over the last few months. It was a migration from a custom CMS that includes restricted content, membership management, purchasing of directory listings and more. There were lots of late nights and early…
First Day of School 2021
First day of school. 7th, 3rd, PK4, and casita (Montessori toddler program) โฅ๏ธ
World Breastfeeding Week
It’s World Breastfeeding Week and I realized that I never shared these from our family photo shoot last August when the photographer caught a shot of Vivienne nursing between more posed photos. Vivi was the hardest of my four girls to nurse. I struggled immensely with supply during the first 4-5 months of her life,…
Dance vs. Travel
Up before the sun for our last dance competition of the season and Zara’s dancing in this one too! We had to get up at 4:45 for a 6:15 arrival after driving down to Houston last night. Our first year as a competition dance family was super fun and Nora is officially hooked. So much…
Throwback to Before Addie Was Born
Here’s a fun #throwback thanks to Facebook memories: 4 years ago today, the evening before Addie was born. Tomorrow is her birthday and it’s hard to believe how much has changed in the last 4 years. I’ll try to remember to come post a picture of the birthday girl (since I’m so bad about Instagram).…
Nora Writing
I remember when she used to pretend to work on websites on a leapfrog play computer because that’s what she heard me talking about. And now she has her own real computer and is super into writing – she even started a blog. They grow up way too fast.
Nora’s First Competition
I’m officially a dance mom. This whole competition thing is not something I did as a kid so it feels pretty foreign, but Nora is super into it and I couldn’t be more proud of her. Last weekend was her first competition and because of COVID audience restrictions Chris brought her and I watched on…
Candlelit Bath
Bath time with ambiance a la #ERCOT. Luckily we have not been affected by the water issues so many others have experienced. I finally decided to bathe the little girls for the first time in over a week (with a tiny amount of water, I promise) and the power went out again. We got out…
#snowpocalypse and poor planning on the part of the Texas Electric grid means we’re experiencing a candle lit evening. So far every one is still having fun and it’s not too cold in here yet so we’re calling it an adventure.
Vivienne in Snow
Well this is something I never thought I would see… a second real snow in the same winter. This one is light and powdery and is promising to hang around for most of the week thanks to freezing temperatures. There are no plows or salt/sand trucks down here so we’re all locked in and enjoying…
Texas Snowman
Zara made a #texassnowman – tiny, full of grass and leaves, but a legit snowman. We have the fastest snowflakes I’ve ever seen falling down here right now and could get up to 4 inches! The girls are over the moon.