
  • Vivi’s Baby Quilt with Cute Turtles

    Vivi’s Baby Quilt with Cute Turtles


    My mom, Amy, has made all the girls baby quilts and today, Vivi’s arrived in the mail! I can’t get over the cute little turtles. โ™ฅ๏ธ Swipe for some super adorable smiles caught on camera and the beginning of some rolly-polly back arches.

  • Taking My Baby to Work Meetups

    Taking My Baby to Work Meetups


    The best thing about tiny babies is that you can take them to work with you! Chris and I run a meetup in Austin for @roadwarriorwp on the first Tuesdayof the month called Austin Food Marketing. Partly it’s for marketing purposes and connecting with food brands as potential clients, but mostly it’s just because I…

  • Zara’s 1st Birthday: Growing and Personality

    Zara’s 1st Birthday: Growing and Personality


    This is seven. Opinionated, creative, colorful, loving, and energetic, determined, seven. In the last year, Zara has lost all reminents of her baby face and has grown into the most wonderful and BIG girl. (I can’t get over how big.) In a lot of ways, I think Zara is the most like me personality-wise, which…

  • First Full Week Back to Work

    First Full Week Back to Work


    It’s almost the end of winter break and next week will be my first full week back to work since Vivienne was born. I’ll be working from home so she can stay snuggled up with me, but it’s another thing that we’ll need to figure out. I’ve never been very good about establishing a schedule…

  • West Coast Trailer Trip with Baby Girl

    West Coast Trailer Trip with Baby Girl


    Can’t resist a #best9 grid. We traveled the west coast in our trailer, and grew by one little girl. It was a great year, but 2020 is going to be filled with even more adventures. โ™ฅ๏ธ Happy New Year everyone. P.S., that’s a different baby girl and nearly 7 year difference between the first and…

  • Christmas Morning with Family and Cows

    Christmas Morning with Family and Cows


    Merry Christmas day! We were up before the sun so little girls could open presents (check my stories for a full spread with filled stockings), then Chris, Vivi and I took a small nap while everyone was distracted by shiny objects. Now we’re heading to a family filled afternoon at Chris’ aunt and uncle’s farm.…

  • Our favorite gift of the year.

    Our favorite gift of the year.


    The best present we got this year. โ™ฅ๏ธ

  • Busy Week of Winter Performances and Shopping

    Busy Week of Winter Performances and Shopping


    We inadvertently ended up at an outdoor shopping mall today, which was crazy pants, but we saw these fun giant ornaments so maybe it was worth navigating all the crowds and holiday shopper madness. Zara Bee had her winter piano recital this morning and did an awesome job. The big girls both also had winter…

  • Vivienne’s Slow Weight Gain and Nursing Struggles

    Vivienne’s Slow Weight Gain and Nursing Struggles


    Vivienne at 1 month. I’m a few days late posting, but I swear we took this picture on the right day. I mentioned in stories a while ago that Vivi was slow to gain weight and not doing super well with nursing. Normally babies should regain their birth weight by 2 weeks, but she didn’t…

  • Luminations at Lady Bird Johnson Center

    Luminations at Lady Bird Johnson Center


    Last night we went to see the Luminations at the Lady Bird Johnson @wildflowercenter. We’ve been living in the Austin area for two years and are still only just starting to explore the sites and local events. I’m still not quite sure how we managed to make a night time event work with a 4…

  • Supervising Tree Decorating from the Couch.

    Supervising Tree Decorating from the Couch.


    Tree decorating! Vivi and I are supervising from the couch.  

  • Saying Goodbye to Our Travel Trailer

    Saying Goodbye to Our Travel Trailer


    Feeling a little nostalgic today about our drive along the Pacific Coast Highway last summer. This afternoon we sold our trailer and watched it drive away from us ready to build memories for a new family. I’m super excited for our next chapter, but also a little sad to say goodbye to the trailer that…