
  • May Day Basket Delivery for Grandfather

    May Day Basket Delivery for Grandfather


    May Day basket delivery surprise for Pop Pop.  

  • Dancing Raisins Science Experiment at Home

    Dancing Raisins Science Experiment at Home


    Our dancing raisins science experiment. Have you ever tried putting raisins in sparkling water? It’s pretty fascinating. I’ve been supplementing the school’s work with projects and activities of our own because the work they are getting from school is too easy and doesn’t take up enough time in their week to keep them occupied. So…

  • Walking the Dog on the San Gabriel River

    Walking the Dog on the San Gabriel River


    Taking the doggy on a river walk during golden hour. #sangabrielriver #tmwanders  

  • Vivienne’s 5 Month Update and Picture

    Vivienne’s 5 Month Update and Picture


    Yesterday Vivienne was 5 months old. I realized in all the craziness of starting a quarantine that we missed her 4 month picture, but I did manage to get a 5 month picture taken yesterday, and how different she looks from our last one of these! Vivi is 13 lbs 12 oz (a chunk!). We’re…

  • Sewing a Face Mask from Scrap

    Sewing a Face Mask from Scrap


    Last night I sewed myself a face mask from scrap fabric leftover from the outfit I sewed Nora for her second birthday. It’s the first time I have sewed in over a year and it feels like a surreal sewing project, especially given the original intent for this fabric, but it seems like we should…

  • Escaping Fleas: A Day at Pop Pop’s Ranch

    Escaping Fleas: A Day at Pop Pop’s Ranch


    On top of all the things – trying to rescue the business from the economic slowdown, all four girls at home, and supervising education – of course the dog would get fleas that resisted all my attempts at cleaning. So today we played hookie from work and school and escaped to Chris’ dad’s ranch while…

  • Family Picture in a Field

    Family Picture in a Field


    I told Chris that for my 35th birthday I wanted to take our camera and tripod over to a field and take a family picture. I can’t believe how much time has passed since Vivienne was born and how few pictures we’ve taken. But maybe that’s just life with four kids, a business, and a…

  • Pocket’s Favorite Game

    Pocket’s Favorite Game


    Today’s stay at home entertainment…turn on the sprinkler and watch the dachshund try to catch sprinkler water.  

  • Celebrating Vivienne’s Growth Chart Success!

    Celebrating Vivienne’s Growth Chart Success!


    Semi late 4 month check up, but we’re celebrating because someone is on the growth charts!!! I have never worked harder to feed a little person than I have done with Vivienne and it is so releaving to see that jump on the charts.  

  • Balanced nap time with little sister.

    Balanced nap time with little sister.


    Nap buddies. I am so glad that Addie has Vivi. It’s amazing how it worked out with our four girls. Two bigs and two littles. I used to be worried about Addie being left out by the big girls, but now that we have our littlest girl it feels very balanced. Clearly it was meant…

  • Scenic Breakfast Spot

    Scenic Breakfast Spot


    Breakfast with a view  

  • What It’s Really Like Working Remotely From a Fully Remote Team

    What It’s Really Like Working Remotely From a Fully Remote Team


    A note from Amber: This blog post was originally written by our content specialist, Emma Crowe-Fleming for the Road Warrior Creative blog. I moved it over here when we closed down that business and took the website offline because I think it’s a good window into what our team was like in March 2020, and…