Thoughts on RGB


This year has been overwhelming on so many fronts and I, like many parents, have been trying hard to stay upbeat and positive for my daughters, so they can be at least a little shielded from the anxiety we’re feeling about the state of the world. Today as I was chauffeuring the girls around to dance I heard the news of RGB’s passing and it was like a punch in the gut. I gasped reflexively and dropped an F-bomb right there in the car without even realizing it (which says a lot because I never swear).

I have four daughters and never before have I been so worried about their future. I used to think that we were handing them a world that was in-progress, yes, but still ready to be their oyster. Now, I am terrified of the crumbling world we’re going to leave them with, and the opportunities that they might not have under an ultra conservative government.

These are the faces of the future. This is who we’re fighting for, who we’re voting for come fall … girls who will someday be women and who should have full bodily autonomy and equal opportunities in their work and personal lives, as should their peers with Black and brown skin.

Biden may not be your first choice – he certainly wasn’t mine – but it’s time to get him in the White House…if only because we need to make sure that these beautiful girls are handed a world that values them.


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