Addie’s First Day of Montessori at Home

First day of school photo for Addie + a peek into what Montessori at home looks like. Chris and I made the tough decision to withdraw Addie from school this year. We don’t think that she will engage well with any sort of remote learning and don’t think that she’ll do well with having to wear a mask all day/social distance once schools do open. Also, I was concerned about possible opening and closing and opening and closing throughout the year being challenging to for her emotionally and from a routine standpoint. So, while the big girls will be starting remote and then returning to school as soon as possible, Addie is going to be learning at home for the year. I ordered her a shelf just for her work and last night she helped get it all set up. We’ll be rotating works in and out to support her learning. I was also super excited to find a nanny to come to the house who was previously an assistant in a public school preschool classroom and an assistant in a private Montessori school! She started yesterday and is amazing. It’s a financial stretch for us, but I think it’s the best way to make this year positive for Addie and to help ensure Chris and I are also able to work. #covid19 #montessoriathome

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