Past the Stress


Spring felt like it was crawling by every day, though at the same time I also can’t believe that it’s July already. It feels like those early days of utter exhaustion and frustration trying to get Vivi to nurse and gain weight are far in the past, though they really weren’t that long ago.

I’m so glad that she was my 4th and not my first because I had a lot more perspective. I kept reminding myself that all we needed to do was get to 7 or 8 months and then she would have food as a supplement. When I felt overwhelmed that is what I would tell myself: this is not going to last forever, it’s not even going to last a year; I just needed to make it to 6 months and then we could introduce solids. By 7 or 8 months she would start to “get” food.

And here we are. Eight months old with sweet chubby cheeks and chunky baby thighs. Exclusively breastfed, without any regular bottles, and really starting to dig solid foods. We survived, Vivienne and me. ♥️


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