Taking Action Beyond Social Media Outrage


Below is a post that I shared on my Facebook page earlier in the week and wanted to share here as well. 1 of 2 because of comment length limits. — I haven’t said much mostly because I’m not sure what to say and because, more than once in the past couple of days, I have put the effort into writing a thoughtful and (frequently) researched comment in response to another’s post, only to have my comments deleted by the person who wasn’t willing to hear an opposing viewpoint. Also, Chris and I don’t social media much anymore, in case you couldn’t tell by how sporatic my posts are.

However, not posting on social media does not mean we haven’t taken action, and it occurred to me this evening that there are a lot of people who might think that posting a black square on Instagram or using a hashtag is enough. Generally, I’m not one to post about things that might be construed as “virtue signaling” – I’d rather take real meaningful action, and I hope all of you sharing your outrage here on social media are doing the same…are doing more to enact change.
1 of 2 #blacklivesmatter


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