Planting a Tree with Baby’s Placenta


When you have a #homebirthbaby you get to decide what to do with the placenta. I’m totally grossed out by the encapsulation/consumption movement, so we double bagged Addie’s and stuck it in our freezer in Colorado. It was still there when we moved to Texas 6 months later, so Chris put it in a cooler and brought it down here on ice.
Around Addie’s first birthday, we planted a tree on the farm and buried the placenta under the tree. This is Addie’s oak tree. It’s only a little bit taller than her right now but some day it could be 90 feet tall. I had such a hard time emotionally after she was born and suffered from postpartum depression and anxiety for almost a year and a half following her birth. I picked an oak tree as much for her as for me – something that would be hearty and strong, and grow up taller than everything around it. ♥️


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