Struggling with Baby’s Weight Gain

Itty bitty, littlest girl is 3 months old today. The last month has been hard, I’m not going to lie. I started back to work after New Year’s just in time to help the team wrap up one of the biggest projects we worked on in 2019. I’m working from home and Vivi is with me while I work, nursing on demand, but after 2 weeks clocking 60+ hours and her still not being a super great nurser, my supply tanked. We had her into the doctor on the 6th and she was 8lbs 12oz – just 4 ounces bigger than she was 3 weeks prior. She’s in the 0.2 percentile for weight and obviously not putting on the ounce/day that babies are supposed to gain at this age, so I’m back to pumping all the time. We were at the lactation consultant on Wednesday and she was up 3 ounces, so the bottles are helping but we’re still trying to figure out what we can do to get this little girl to grow. Aside from being teeny tiny, Vivi is doing great, though. She’s alert and happy and checking all the milestone boxes. She’s discovered her fingers and loves to chew on them…which makes it especially hard to get a picture of her sweet little smile. She loves getting in floor time, especially in the evening when she can watch her sisters jump and dance around her. . . . . #3months #growbabygrow

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