Home again, home again! I thought I’d take a break from latergramming to update on current happenings.
We’re not one of those amazing homeschool families who can balance travel, work, and schooling, so this week we hauled it back (in an epic 14 hour drive) to get home in time for the start of school. Plus this will be the perfect opportunity to get the damage assessed and fixed from the massive tire blowout we had in early July that resulted in a hole in our undercarriage and torn off flashing.
We have a nice long driveway and added a 50 amp plug when we rennovated the house last year, so the trailer is just about fully functional when we’re home with water and electric, just no sewer. Chris worked his behind off to get it cleaned out and now we’re waiting on the insurance adjuster to come assess the damage and provide an estimate for repairs.