Pixel, Our Traveling and Sleeping Cat


A rare photo of our cat, Pixel, who, of late has taken to spending her days sleeping under comforters and quilts on various beds. Pixel goes with us on all our trips, which is sometimes surprising to people, but when we were living fulltime in the trailer she got used to it, and she does pretty well on the road…never even tries to leave the trailer. We do crate her and bring her in the truck on drive days since the trailer can get really hot when towed, but otherwise that’s the only disruption to her cushy lifestyle.
Also, we learned this summer that having a cat is no guarantee that you won’t get mice! A mouse must have crawled up a stabilizer or wheel and into the bottom, but it made it into our pantry and was nibbling our bread with no fear for its life… and Pixel apparently was shirking her guard cat duties in favor of lazing about, so Chris had to get a trap to catch it.


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