Library Morning on a Rainy Saturday


Rainy, humid Saturday=library morning.

I used to take Nora to the library every week. It was easy on Nantucket when we could walk and I was a stay-at-home mom. In Wyoming and Colorado, we frequented the library, but it was more like once every couple of weeks. Since moving to Texas we’ve barely gone – only a handful of times.
We still do a lot of reading, though not as much as I might like, and these days Nora is more likely to be found reading on her Nook than in a physical book. With Zara and Addie, we’re mostly working through our own extensive collection. I keep telling myself that I want to figure out how to build regular library trips into our hectic lifestyle, but that’s one thing I haven’t figured out the balancing act if business and family.  On the plus side, when we do make it to the library it’s a real treat. They happily sit and read giant stacks of books for hours.


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