Putting Up the Christmas Tree Amid Chaos


Not being in a trailer means we get to have a Christmas tree again. I’ll admit I’m a bit of a scrooge about holiday decorations – with all the other things, they often just feel like a lot of work. If not for the kids, we totally would skip putting up a Christmas tree… we’ve definitely had years without them for one reason or another, and I didn’t especially miss all the decorations, though I do appreciate their beauty once up.

This weekend, the tree very nearly didn’t happen. Addie had a fever Friday and Saturday and was a big grump. Chris and I had work to do, we promised the older girls they could go to the Christmas parade on Saturday in downtown Georgetown, and to top it all off, I realized this morning that Zara, Addie, and I all had heads full of lice. Blech.

So we spent the morning shampooing and picking tiny bugs out of hair, then deep cleaning the whole house from to bottom, with extra laundry…sheets, comforters, and pillows ×5. By the time 6pm rolled around, I SO wanted to reneg on telling them we would do the tree today. But, I rallied, and I’m glad I did.

There are way too many moments when we get so busy #adulting that we forget to slow down and experience the joy of the moment. As a business owner I feel like this is even worse – we’re constantly working to achieve the next goal. It’s good to remember to slow down and enjoy the season for what it is. Kids help us see the magic; this is perhaps the greatest gifts of motherhood. …Along with all kinds of fun germs and bugs, LOL


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