Millennials credited for lower divorce rates


This weekend, I saw a newly published study which found that the divorce rate in the US dropped 18% from 2008 to 2016, and which cited Millennials as the age group to thank for our significantly lower #divorce rates. Chris and l are just barely #Millennials and there have been plenty of times when I fought that label – especially considering we married right after college graduation, moved across country from our parents, and have lived independently ever since…I never felt like I fit in with the stereotypes on my generation that you read about so frequently in the news, but this one, I’ll gladly accept.

Chris and I both come from homes with divorced parents. Both of our dads have been divorced more than once. When we were in our early 20’s and considering taking the big leap we talked about that a lot, and we promised one another that no matter what, it would be us against the world. We would be a team in all things, and we would always consider the sum of us, together, infinitely greater than either of us individually. As we’ve grown our family, this commitment to togetherness has become even more important – I never want my children to experience the fall out of divorce and shuffling between households that I grew up with.

Marriage can be a roller coaster. It’s not always easy, but making it work is 100% worthwhile. I don’t know that we really have any big secrets to how we’ve gotten this far, aside from approaching everything as a team, respecting one another as individuals, and doing lots and lots of (over) communicating. Maybe there are other things I don’t even realize we’re doing that keep our marriage strong…?

I’m curious for those of you who are equally rocking your #marriage or partnership, what do you do to keep it amazing? Leave me a comment, I’d love to hear ideas from other people keeping #love, #passion, #friendship, and #partnership going strong.


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