The view from our bed… We’ve been back in Texas for almost three weeks now, and when we came back, we moved into the house we renovated but never lived in last spring. Our trailer has been sitting in the driveway, and today I finally found time to give it a thorough cleaning, top to bottom.
Then, I snuck back out here with my laptop because it’s so cozy and peaceful. All in all, we lived in this trailer full-time for 7.5 months. It worked way better than I thought it would, and though everyone else is basking in 1900 sqft of new house, I’m missing the simplicity of 300 sqft and our house on wheels. As much as I have been enjoying seemingly endless water (showers + a washing machine!), I really do miss having our whole family cozied up in this space. I’m already dreaming of our next adventure and simple time spent together…