Laundry on the Farm: A Family’s Routine


#laundryday – we dance between the laundromat and line drying loads of diapers, little girls’ clothes, and sheets on the farm. Chris’ dad (whose land we’re currently parked on) has a washing machine, but no dryer, which means we have to be very purposeful about what and when we do laundry “at home.” Eventually the weather or lack of free time collides with the amount of laundry a family of 5 generates and we head off to the laundromat, but other days we’re ahead of the game and manage to squeeze in a load destined to dry in the Texas sun.

This #rvliving chapter has pros and cons, but one pro (or con maybe!) Is that it really makes you mindful of all the small things you do on a daily basis to keep your life together.


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