Thankful for Business Opportunities and Teaching


#30daysofthanks catch-up: This week was crazy full of work, but there was still plenty to be thankful for – though it was all pretty much business related, because that’s my life now.

On Tuesday the 15th, I did the first of two trainings for projects we finished this week and though I was gearing up for a busy few days, I was thankful for things to be finishing up.
Day 16 was Wednesday, when I teach an entrepreneurship extracurricular at a local elementary school, and the kids finished up their business plans. They have been writing them all semester and I’m so proud of how hard they worked. There are 8 kids in my class this year and I’m thankful to have the opportunity to share my love of business with them. They have have done an amazing job!
Day 17 (Thursday) I got to teach a workshop on SEO through @girldevelopit. I love having the opportunity to speak and share knowledge. I was equally thankful for being asked if I would teach and for it going well – even with our first snow of the season happening that day.


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