Grateful for Zara’s Preschool and Teachers


#30daysofthanks day 18 – Chris and I took a break in the middle of the day to go to a family Thanksgiving potluck at Zara’s preschool. I am thankful to have a job where I can take time out of my day to do something special with one of our kids – and that Chris can now too!! But even more than that, I am thankful for Zara’s preschool.

Sometimes I have a really hard time with the fact that I work and she goes to school from 8:30-3:30 five days per week. Even though I love what I do and because of it Chris gets to spend more time with the girls too, I miss spending time with Zara like I did with Nora at this age. There are a couple of things that keep me going, but one of the big things is how much I love her school. It’s a wonderful, home-like environment with amazing teachers who go above and beyond, including doing things like organizing family potlucks. Zara loves being there so much that she never wants to go home in the afternoon. I’m so grateful for the school and that Zara has a second home there where she learns and grows and is loved.


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