Girls watching Clifford’s movie for movie night.


The girls watching Clifford’s movie. 15 of #365 We have gone back and forth on “show” watching and how much we think is OK for the girls. We don’t have a TV so I thought it wouldn’t even factor in, but with computers and the internet screen time is still part of our reality. When I was in college, I wrote a paper on working vs stay-at-home mothers and which was better for young children. Something that always stuck with me from my research is that children of SAHMs watch more TV than than those with working mothers – something which is considered a negative. At times when I was pregnant with Zara and we were moving, Nora watched a lot more shows and movies than I care to admit. Screen time was part of her daily life. In the last year, Chris and I have really worked to stop relying on our computers to entertain the girls. Now we have a weekly movie night and that is it. Today it was gray and cloudy, and everyone is feeling a little down, so I put on a movie as a special treat. It’s amazing how much enjoyment they get out of it when it is not part of their daily routine. #aucoeur365


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