Saturday Surfing

saturday surfing2

Finds of the Last (where are we…three?) Weeks:

  • ‘A Beautiful Body’ Book Project: Jade Beall, Photographer, Celebrates Mothers’ Real Bodies (PHOTOS), Huffington Post — beautiful photos celebrating the less than “perfect” bodies of mothers.
  • A Daddy’s Letter to his Little Girl About Her Future Husband, Viral Nova — Just wonderful.
  • Former Insurance Exec Offers An Insider’s Look At Obamacare, Fresh Air — Why he thinks it’s good for individuals and good for our country as a whole.  Seriously, I am counting down the days until October 1 when we can buy something on the exchange!
  • If Kids Tweeted About Shows Like Adults Do, BuzzFeed — this is just funny.
  • My Imaginary Well-Dressed Toddler, Pinterest — This Pinterest board is hilarious.
  • The internet and the age of avoidance, Rage Against the Minivan — This might be one of my new favorite TEDx Talks.
  • Navigating the Supermarket Aisles, NY Times Video — Michael Moss and Michael Pollan visit a typical supermarket and talk about cooking and the food industry.  I especially love the clip about yogurt having more sugar thank Coke…this is why we only buy plain!
  • President’s Corner – Breastfeeding Mitigates a Disaster, Breastfeeding Medicine — a piece about the amazing abilities of mothers bodies to sustain their babies through breastfeeding, even in the worst conditions.
  • What Kind Of Parent Forgets A Child In A Broiling Car?, Huffington Post — A little reminder from Lisa Belkin.  I had an odd moment the day this was published.  We were back to our apartment after running a few errands around town, I got Nora out of the car and watched her skip to the sidewalk before I walking around to get sleeping Zara out too, and I thought to myself, some people forget their babies in the car and they die.  And then immediately I thought how incredibly morbid the thought was and how strange it is that I would think it right at the moment that I was very clearly not forgetting my baby in the car.  I opened the door and looked down at sweet chubby Zara, oblivious to the world, and for a second I saw the worst.  Then, Nora called a question about the afternoon’s activities out to me, and I brushed the disruptive thought aside, forgetting it completely.  At least it was forgotten until tonight, when I sat down to nurse Zara and catch up on my online reading, only to see this article by Lisa Belkin.  I glanced at it and was reminded of this Pulitzer winning feature from the Washington Post, which is one of the most heartbreaking things I have ever, ever read.  I nursed Zara, tears streaming down my cheeks, and I haven’t been able to shake the unsettled feeling I have had since then.  Why, out of all things, did that thought pop into my head on the exact same day that a story about it appeared in my newsfeed?  Sometimes parenting is an incredibly terrifying thing.

No Pinterest this week, because I am way behind one everything and have done no pinning in the last (nearly) two weeks.  🙁  I just logged into my reader and have 352 new posts to sort through!  Check me out on pinterest, I’m sure there are a ton of pins to come this evening alone!

I’m also going to *try* to get a real blog post out tomorrow.  We’ll see…

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