working mom

Confession Two…


I’ve finally realized that I can’t really call myself a stay-at-home mom anymore.

Yes, instead of checking into and office from 9-5, I spend my days at home and out-and-about exploring the world with Nora…

But, between my design business, teaching tiny tumblers, and providing occasional lactation support, I have been working at least 30 hours per week for the past couple months.  Which means I can’t really call myself a SAHM anymore; now I am squarely back in the working mom category, although I have figured out how to do it from home, mostly on my own terms.  I am no longer in denial: I am a work-at-home mom.

Working most certainly has its challenging moments — especially with respect to balance and sleep (non-)deprivation.  I’ll admit, this is not at all what I imagined life would be like when we moved out here, and yet I am pretty pleased with how it has turned out.  Every day I am thankful that this work exists.  I am supplementing Chris’ income.  We are paying off debt and beginning to save for a house, and we are able to do this in a way that allows me to still participate in every moment of Nora’s life from major milestones to simple walks with her babies.Just as I try to provide an example of positive parenting though our interactions, I hope that I am also providing Nora with a healthy view of work and family balance, of marriage as a partnership instead of “every man for himself,” and of creativity and ingenuity in helping to support our family while still putting my role as a mother before all else.

Even  sleep.  Sleep will happen in about 16 years.


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One response

  1. I’m proud of you Amber! I knew you were headed in the web design business with your graphic design talents, and it would turn out to be lucrative. Who knows–maybe you’ll eventually market enough business to take on an assistant!! This is the wave of the future, as I’m sure you realize. Don’t lose out on too much sleep, although that 30 hours has to come from somewhere. Nora is a lucky girl and I’m glad your dreams are coming true. Way to go, Amber!!!

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