One of the things I decided recently was to start doing my graphic design work a little bit more legit (you know, instead of in Word and Paint…). It’s been fun to re-learn Photoshop, and I’m hoping that in the future I’ll be able to offer more logo/graphic design as a bonus to my web clients. I thought I would share what I’ve been working on:
A logo for Nantucket Gift Baskets and a logo for myself:
I’m working on creating an image for my website work, and the logo was the first step. I knew I wanted to stick with my mehndi “theme” (long, long story, but it represents a lot to me) but I knew I wanted to introduce more color and a little cuteness.
I, personally, like the stark simpleness of this blog; it’s clean and doesn’t distract from the photos and stories, it does not, though, show what I’m capable of as far as web design/development and I know a lot of people might find it boring and bland.
Over the next few months, I’m going to be building a new online presence for my web design portfolio and that means more color, a fancier site (rather than the one page I currently have), and less ho-hum. Hopefully this is a good starting point.
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