This week has been lovely. We’ve had a clean house, and several days of cancelled plans which meant plenty of time to laze about and just enjoy one another’s company.
We baked cookies(a nice change from my normally decadent baked goods — healthier (sort of, maybe?)) jam thumb prints
made with cherry and pineapple preserves my friend Laura brought us from Adam’s (oh how I miss that grocery store).
Nora was so excited about cookie baking she could barely contain herself.
We did lots and lots of art, some of which I can show you and some of which I can’t. 😉
We took our usual walks, plus some extra special ones: puddle-jumping walks
moon-lit walks to the play ground, and walks to admire Christmas lights.
(My camera does not do these justice at all.)
And tonight, we had a wild late girls night out on the town.
We took a super late nap (yes, me too) and didn’t wake up until 5:15. We played, munched popcorn, ate dinner, then jammied Nora up and headed to town at 8:00. We surprised Dada with a short visit, then went to listen to the Theatre Workshop of Nantucket sing cabaret at the library.
Nora had a great time listening to the music, but I think she was most excited about the applause between songs!
And now I’m home and catching up on email and blogging, which I didn’t do last night because I was so enthralled with webdesign the whole night slipped away from me. When I finally looked at the clock and started to think about blogging, it was 1:15 in the morning, so to bed I went instead. If you would have told me two or three years ago that I would be building websites from scratch, I would have thought you were crazy. But now, that’s how I’m making money and I love it! My inner nerd gets super excited about creating a design and the puzzle that is figuring out how to implement it. Every website I build I learn something new, and I feel so accomplished afterwards, but I have such a blast building them that I sometimes lose hours to it. Not the worst thing in the world…
Tomorrow is a busy day. Birthday party in the early afternoon and my first LLL meeting at 3. Saturday Surfing will be late, but it will happen!
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