I finally had a few moments to look through the pictures from Saturday’s pick-your-own at Bartlett’s. It was overcast and spitting rain drops off and on all day, but we couldn’t have had a better time.

I finally had a few moments to look through the pictures from Saturday’s pick-your-own at Bartlett’s. It was overcast and spitting rain drops off and on all day, but we couldn’t have had a better time.
My goodness, those jars of tomatoes are impressive! So vibrant and beautiful, and how nice that you’ll have such wonderful fresh food through the winter! I am personally afraid of canning, though I’ve heard I shouldn’t be, and it’s the one thing in the kitchen I’ve yet to try. If you post instructions on preserving I would love that!
PS. Your little Nora is SO adorable! Love the pic of her eating the tomato 🙂
Very interested in your canning recipes! Just trying my hand at it this year, so far I’ve canned some tomato sauce and cabbage soup (in a pressure canner). TIA!
Yes please! Fantastic job 🙂
The photo of the jars is so pretty! Love the colors. I would love it if you would post more about canning and preserving – it’s something I definitely want to learn how to do.
Amber, you’ve done fantastic once again! You are such an enterprising young mother! Very admirable. I’m sure Nora had a great time out in the fields with you. You will make a big savings in your food budget and have such tasty tomatoes year round. You should feel good about what you’ve done! Thanks for sharing all the beautiful pictures. Glad you fared ok with Irene in beautiful Nantucket. We were busy here on the Chesapeake in Maryland, but the weather is beautiful now!
Thank you all for the kind comments. I’ll plan a tomato recipe for this week and see if I have enough photo to share my strawberry jam recipe as well.
Kim, I am so jealous of your pressure canner! That is on my wish list of things to buy some day. For now I stick to boiling and (unbelievably) this is only the first year that I’ve had an official canning pot with jar rack — for the four years before this, I was rigging up a giant stock pot to boil on a couple jars at a time.
Oh, your daughter is SO CUTE! Our neighbors just gave us a bunch of tomatoes. Your post inspired me to make some homemade sauce!
It might be helpful if I left the right blog address 😉
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