Chris has been trying to convince me that we need a different double stroller, because this one is a giant pain. It’s wheels are super small, not at all cut out for Nantucket sidewalks
and it’s barely narrow enough to scrap through doorways.
For whatever reason (more that I should get into at the moment), I am a complete and utter Scrooge, and I can’t imagine spending money on a new stroller when we have one that I got for cheap off the Reuse Exchange that works just fine (mostly). He’s been slowly chipping away at my resolve, though, and as the weather gets nicer and we spend even more time strolling, I think about it more and more. But in my mind, I need justification (as if an annoying walking experience isn’t enough) – especially because we would be buying a NEW stroller, which we have never, ever done and they are so incredibly expensive. (Of course in my mind, anything that costs more than $5 is expensive!)
Then, a few days ago I mentioned it to Mr. T’s mama, and she told me about Phil & Ted’s which makes single/double convertible inline strollers. Which means, instead of having two strollers (one for when Mr. T is here and one for when he isn’t) I could just have one stroller. Less stuff! Justification! Buy one, sell two to help cover the cost!
I was still hemming and hawing, and then I saw that Phil & Ted’s is giving away a stroller. Now, there’s no hemming and hawing about a free stroller, so I got busy making my one minute video about why I need a Verve (the model they’re giving away) and how “vervacious” (stylish) I am. I thought you all might enjoy watching:
[vimeo w=400&h=300]
Vervacious, Nantucket Style from Amber Hinds on Vimeo.
Keep your fingers crossed that I win!
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